Wednesday, December 19, 2007

So, here's a funny break from my normal sort of work. I remember a while ago my roommate wanted a painting of a bud light can. I also remember a while ago someone asking my innocently enough if I still had the stuff to sit down and do a still life. So, I painted a beer can as a Christmas present. I'm happy with the results, all around.

More generally, I'm trying to keep my normal pace of working as the holidays draw closer, and, more specifically, as each day goes on. I have to kick myself out of the mindset that I'm still in school. Truthfully, I really just genuinely want to take advantage of as much time as I can to push towards what I have in my head of where I want to be. Obvious stuff - and also vague - but I'll elaborate more when I scan in more work later on this week.

Take care,


1 comment:

Annie said...

this is kewl. you should paint other brands and have a show. i'm serious.