Thursday, January 17, 2008

So, the past few weeks have yielded a ton of more or less everything. I've been painting consistently through it, but I've been pretty busy in other arenas - holidays, family events, finding a real-person job to feel gratified about, trying to restructure myself into a fully-functioning person, whatever that mans. Barring the weather, it's been pretty nice. I'm just about to the point where I can't wait for it to get warmer.

Anyways, I'm feeling happy with my work and the rate and consistency with which I am working. I don't really think there's been more than an hour that goes by, while I'm here, that I don't stop by on my paintings to play around. Chock it up to having a bit of cabin fever. I like the things I'm trying, the things I'm coming to terms with in my work that further reflects on my life (and the things in my life I'm coming to terms with).

So, here's the latest batch. Included within are some pieces on paper, if you can believe it.

Oh, and I think I've made a decision about how I like presenting my work - at least, one way I like showing my work. I definitely enjoy the low-light photographs. What seems like a lazy method is actually something I like the look of more than scans. What do you think? Sorry if they're blurry, and I do want to eliminate some of those unplanned shadows. The work on paper is just piss-poor lighting, but I wanted to get these up here.

Also, the ones that seem somehow upside down are oriented the right way. Don't be fooled. I am pretentious.

Take care,


Monday, January 14, 2008